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Great Basin College Profile

Lynette Macfarlan, MA, Edu
Early Childhood Education Professor


"Teaching is a process of 'becoming' that continues throughout life, never completely achieved, never completely denied. This is the challenge and the joy of being a teacher... there is no ultimate end to the process." — Frances Mayforth



Contact Information

Office Location: McMullen 117, Elko Campus
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Office Hours

  • Tuesday: 8:30 - 11:30 or by Appointment
  • Thursday: 8:30 - 11:30 or by Appointment


  • BA, Education, Sierra Nevada College , 1998
  • MA, Language and Literacy, Walden University , 2003


Reference Documents

Lynette Macfarlan photo.


  • I am an avid reader of historical fiction. I am also a runner, a hiker and a fly fisherwoman.
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children - NAEYC


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Whether or not syllabi are posted here is up to the discretion of the faculty member.
ECE 200
Title:The Exceptional Child
My Comments:This course examines the characteristics and educational needs of children with disabilities as well as children who are gifted. Students will explore the existing educational agencies, programs, and instructional methods in relation to working with children with special needs. Prerequisite - ECE 250
ECE 126
Title:Social and Emotional Development for Infants and Toddlers
Catalog Description: Study of effective development in infancy and toddlerhood. Emphasis is placed on experiences and techniques or use in the home and child care setting which will foster self-concept and social interactions for children from birth to three years of age.
ECE 190
Title:Professionalism in Early Care and Education
Catalog Description: Focuses on professional issues in Early Childhood Education including ethical guidelines and other professional guidelines and standards related to practice; professional organizations and activities; principles of effective leadership and advocacy for young children and for the profession; and relevant public policy at the local, state, and national levels.
ECE 231
Title:Preschool Practicum: Early Childhood Lab
Catalog Description: Working in a preschool setting with young children under the supervision of a master teacher, planning and implementing activities. Practicum will normally be taken during the final year of the child development program. Law requires a TB test prior to enrollment.
ECE 251
Title:Curriculum in Early Childhood Education
Catalog Description: This course will consist of methods of planning and teaching curriculum for children three to five years old. Included will be curriculum development, children's play, lesson planning, and daily scheduling. Emphasis on art, science, literature, music, language, blocks, dramatic play, etc. (Formerly ECE 151, Preschool Curriculum)
ECE 262
Title:Early Language and Literacy Development
Catalog Description: Course focuses on the four areas of Language Arts: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Through a hands-on and interactive approach, students will explore the process of combining quality practices with specific materials and strategies focused on language and literacy development. In addition, students will examine the fundamentals of oral language and literacy-rich environments supported by the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are predictive of later success in learning to read and write.
Request Information
Great Basin College - 1500 College Parkway - Elko, Nevada 89801 - 775-327-5002
A member institution of the Nevada System of Higher Education
Accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
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